Monday, March 19, 2012

No Sleep In Sight.

As Scarlett turns 4 months old today I'm reflecting back on Bentley at this age and remembering that we had promptly moved him into his own room at 3 months old. I never wanted to get into the habit of Bentley sleeping with us at night. Yes, I love my babies, and though I spend every waking hour with each of them, would love to cuddle with them at night as well, but am a firm believer in establishing healthy sleeping habits for all of my children. As well as a little sleep independence that will benefit them in the future. But at this time, I am not ready to move Scarlett out quite yet. Here is my reason, its a good one...

If you don't already know our situation, the day we brought Scarlett home from the hospital is the day that Bentley's impeccable sleeping habits went out the door. I had no idea that bringing home a sibling would effect him in this way. B.S. (Before Scarlett;) Bentley would gather up his blanky, Mr. Moo, and Giraffe (pillow pet) and tell us good nights, in his own language at the time, which sounded more like "goggen goggen". We would put him in his crib and he would suck his little thumb and peacefully fall asleep:) AND sleep straight through the night! These days, my poor husband has resorted to sleeping on the floor next to his toddler bed every night, or sleeping on one couch while Bentley is on the other, and then transferring him to his room at some point. He will no longer go to sleep on his own and usually freaks out when he finds that he has been moved to his bed in the middle of the night. He wakes up 2-3 times, crying, and Andy takes care of it all! I love my husband so much more for doing this!! He is sacrificing much needed sleep just to help me out, what an amazing man I am married to:-)
I can't imagine when or if Bentley will ever go back to being the amazing sleeper he once was, but for now we just have to make do, each of us sleeping with our designated child .
So this why I am accepting of the fact that Scarlett will be sleeping in her bassinet for a little while longer until we can get Bentley back on track;) And I don't have to sleep alone♥

I thought you might enjoy some precarious sleep positions, Bentley style! See if you can spot Mr. Moo in each of them;)

♥, The Happy Wife

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