Life with these two gets better and better each day. They are SO much fun at these ages and I never want it to end. Bentley is not yet 2 1/2, so I will call him my 27 month old, as ridiculous as that sounds! He is growing and learning so fast. Each and every day he says or does something new and amazing right before my eyes. Bentley loves airplanes, helicopters, trucks and tractors, he is your typical boy:-) He knows that his Daddy works for Penske and whenever he sees any truck on the road, he yells out " Penske, Daddy!!"He wants to be JUST like Andy and most recently started to carry around his own little briefcase to be like his Dad♥ He also adores his little sis. He calls her "Sissy" which I think is so precious, or her nickname "Scar Scar" and has taken on the Big Brother role like a pro. Bentley knows she is not supposed to have small objects in her hands and quickly tells her "No Sissy!!" and takes it away. He plays with her all day long, chasing her, laughing and loving this little friend of his:-) Bentley is super silly, friendly, gives hugs to everyone, full of energy and very helpful. He makes us proud every day♥

Scarlett is 9 months, my all time FAVORITE "baby" age!! She is chunky, has rolls everywhere, soft baby skin, 2 little beaver teeth, and an adorable laugh. I am embracing the whole "object permanence" stage because I know it doesn't last forever, and that I will be sad the day she stops crying whenever I step out of her view or leave the room. She is a definite Mommy's girl. She gives BIG smooches to her baby doll, plays with her pretend make-up, and also loves to play with soccer balls, footballs and Bentley's tools! She is a girly girl at heart but can always keep up with big bro and do "boy" things with him too♥ Scarlett eats all types of food now, whatever we are eating, she is eating! She crawls, walks along the couch, waves "hello", can stand on her own for brief periods of time, is always happy, and still does NOT sleep through the night. I love these two munchkins with all my heart, and even more so, I love to watch them learn and grow! They are amazing♥♥
♥, The Happy Wife