Monday, March 18, 2013

♥Bentley 2.5 & Scarlett 14 Months♥

This blog is a few months late, Bentley and Scarlett at 2 1/2 years and 14 months-

It's strange to think that we moved to San Diego when Bentley was just a couple months older than Scarlett is now, I didn't realize how much of a baby he was at the time! And of course, I choose not to look back and accept how quickly time has gone by and that we now have a little girl that is 14 months old.  I love the age she is now and never want it to end.  She's so cute and silly and chunky, and I wish time would slow down so that we can enjoy her like this a little while longer.  She's such a smarty pants, it catches us off guard sometimes when she repeats or says words on her own. She amazes us!
Scarlett's vocabulary- Cracker, ball, truck, car, hat, night nights, cat, Mom, Dada, Cinderella, cheese, baba, hot, up, Bob, banana. She loves to wear shoes and "hats", what she calls hair bows, and brings them to me to put on her.
She is learning her alphabet, opens doors, climbs into and on top of everything, high fives, gives kisses with a "muah", claps, blows on her food if it's hot, dances and sings. She's super independent, sometimes I feel I need to remind her that I'm her Mommy and I'm here! Don't forget about me please!! But when she cuddles its amazing, she loves her Daddy to pieces and Bentley is her best friend.  I adore this precious little girl of ours and cherish every day I get to spend with her♥

Bentley is changing from toddler to little boy right before our very eyes. It's amazing the growth he has done over the last year in his language and understanding of how the world works.  He is polite, kind, silly, and an incredible older brother and protector of Scar Scar. Not too terrible of a two year old, I must say!  Bentley is super social and always making new friends. He gravitates towards older children, I think he believes he's older than he is. His current likes are trucks, tractors, Curious George, band aids, forts, boots, cereal, grapes and Sissy♥ He loves getting himself dressed everyday, he can sing along to Justin Bieber and his favorite, Will. I. Am. and Britney "Scream and Shout". He is quite the entertainer!
On a side note, I found this poem that definitely brought a tear to my eye. I love this little boy and cherish every moment while he is just 2 1/2.

There is never a dull moment with these two children of mine but I love them so much and am excited for our new adventures to come in 2013!

♥, The Happy Wife

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